I dare you to click xD

Thursday, December 24, 2009

23rd December...

Happy birthday to my sister, Charleen & Hendriq!!!

For the 1st time in my whole entire life, I treated Charleen & Joshua a movie. Since he helped me to go up and down to check the movie for me, and we said we wanna watch it together. So, whatever it takes. I'm taking the whatever risk without acknowledging the circumstances.

It was a bit hard, not really used to the distance between both of us, but I think we did quite well eh =X

[Ask me how! Ask me how! >.< ]

The movie was fine. Just nice. Satisfied my wanting to watch this show. Now? Alisson & the gang are watching Alvin & the Chipmunks II. Nope, I'm not invited because THEY THOUGHT that I was WORKING! =__=

Apologies accepted. Dear, we watch it together eh? :P

::In a Christmas mood =D ::

Monday, December 21, 2009


Just read Ivan's blog. This is what I call SWEET.

No, I'm not comparing...


I just came back from camps and I've been working for the past 6days without rest. Thank God for today that I'm off.
[Don't wanna go out with Svinina already! :'( ]
At work place, terrible. Mainly because of the PIC(Person-In-Charge). She has terribly bad temper. Very terribly sarcastic. The way she talks. Very forceful. As in forcing people to do things. She can't make people do things wilingly. How I wish the 2nd PIC is the main PIC. Then I don't have to suffer so much.

Another part-timer is worse. I don't know what kind of relationship she has with the main PIC. Definitely not simple. I heard her family even came to the shop to scold the main PIC. Now, she told her parents she went down to KL (she studies in KL) but she's actually staying at the store room of the shop. And the main PIC is always in the store room. I wonder what they do inside there. I wonder how she wash up, how she sleeps in that small room full of dust and stock. Maybe some unknown creatures in there too... It's creeping me out. Whatever laar~ it's non of my business anyway.

29th of December shall be my last day of work.
(I hope)

{Get well soon, dear! xD }

Tuesday, December 15, 2009


"J people are nice, but, sadly, there are exceptions...''
                                                         ----Jasmine Tai 

I'm back from both ACTS teens camp and YLDP. Lots of thoughts appeared & lost their way in my mind. I started to miss someone, and stopped missing. I started liking someone else, and stopped liking someone else. It's all infatuation. I don't even know whether I did the right thing in the 1st place. May be it's due to the heat of the moment only.

I don't know....

-3 months-

Thursday, December 3, 2009


Holidays are boring. Especially when I'm working. But not anymore when it's the annual camp time!!! This year, I'm blessed with 2 camps that I'm joining. 1st camp is Acts Teen Revolution Camp 2009:: The New Normal as shown below.

It's gonna be soooo fun!

2nd camp is of course Youth Leadership Development Programme. My 3rd year of joining. I'm looking forward to more exciting experiences and meeting old & new friends. Won't be online for quite sometime. Do miss me!


Tuesday, December 1, 2009


Just for you, Enwei!!! xDD