I dare you to click xD

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Happie Birthday ^^

I officially announce: I'M 16 YEARS-OLD TODAY!!!!
Best birthday celebrated in these 16 years... is that why they call it sweet 16? lol
Thanks to all these people:

What's in the bag?

A teddy from Jing Wen,Jie Wen, Jesslynn & Susu ^^

A mysterious box from Jack...
What's in it?

Another teddy...

Birthday card...

Cute clips...

A monthly planner...

Guess what's this?
[A mirror with a super small comb.I wonder is it for me or for the teddy?]

And guess what's this?
[Photo album. Hey, photos are now stored in computers & handphones. ><] Winking bear pin =X

My new Bible. Bought with the money my sister gave me for my birthday!

Delirious [Touch]
2nd Album I had for my birthday. 1st was last year from Jesslynn & Yan Wen.

So everything is stuffed in the box and this is how it looks like =P

No matter how many teddies I'll have in the future, Tete will still be the first of all teddies ^^

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

We got nothing to do...~

Top from left: Adrian's,Alisson's,Kevin's
Middle from left: Alfred's, Chien Li's, Hendriq's,Jess Minn's
Bottom from left: Mine ^^ , Jess Lynn's, Enwei's

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

LYPG #12

April's LYPG Kuantan will be:
Date: 26.4.2009
Time: 3.00-5.30pm
Venue: Christian Praise Centre

This time, we'll not having devotion for we have something different for you guys ^^
For further details, contact
Me 016-935 0528
Joyce 017 947 9727

God bless !!!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Form 4 sucks...

Form 4 sucks!!! what honeymoon year your butt laar!
Physics,Chemistry,Biology,Add-Math,Maths,History,Bm,English,Moral,Chinese,Accounts...owh no!!! How to study o? Those geniuses out there, I envy you!!!
April test, study a tiny lil' bit only. Bm,History,Physics,Add-Maths,English in one day? Ikareteru!!!
So stressful laar~ some more rumours about me flying around...Aiks...

Monday, April 13, 2009



首先,我是想说我好久没有用华文写部落格了!不会读的人们,你们错过了![其实你们错过了也不会知道 >< ]

今天要讲的事情非常重要;重要得我连明天的月考都抛下不管! 重要叻

话题就是: 中四的学姐就可以乱打中二的学妹,而且不能还手吗?

中四的学姐就是我 [老了 T.T] , 中二的学妹就是D某人.

正方: 中四的学姐

反方: 中二的学妹

正方第一辩:在这个世界上,没有人拥有乱打人的权利.但是在学校里, 为什么会有乱打人的情况发生呢? 原因很简单,因为中四的学姐根本没有要打学妹的意思. 任何打打闹闹一定会有原因,所谓无风不起浪. 所以,如果不是学妹引起大风,就不会有大浪!

本人在此要澄清一下,我是不小心打到学妹的! 本来以为只是要在她的肩膀拍一拍,怎知道,她站得太近了. 打人当然是有一定的力度,再加上人的脸蛋是非常的弱?轻微的打伤就会造成伤口或留下痕迹. 所以别人才会把事情夸大.

反方第一辩:开玩笑是应该有个限度,不管年龄大或小,地位高或低,因为每个人都有自尊.所以学姐和学妹之间也应该有特定开玩笑的尺度. 玩耍归于玩耍,但大打出手已是远远超出了特定的限度.因此不管打人的目的是什么,打人就是不对!

正方第二辩: 没错!打人就是很不应该, 可是大家有没有考虑到, 为什么学姐会要打学妹呢? 难道学姐有神经质? ! 是因为学妹说了一些令学姐不爽的事.这件事被提起了不只一次, 而且学姐已千吩咐万吩咐, 不要再在学姐的面前提起, , 学妹不听, 反而觉得很有趣.人的忍耐也是有限度的,绝对不能被挑战!

反方第二辩: 即使学妹有错在先,但是也不需要打脸当奖赏吧? 一个人的自尊,就这样被一个学姐刮走了.轻微的巴掌不说,把脸蛋都打肿了,学姐有什么好解释? 让那么多人看见,被打之后的痕迹,那有多丢脸? 更可悲的是,学姐打了人之后,并没有即刻认错道歉,而且还加盐加醋,问学妹要不要打多另一边,好让两边脸平衡起来.这是什么?不知悔改!

正方第三辩:学姐之后并有很后悔当时鲁莽行事,也到学妹的班看看她.可是学妹却不领情,眼角扫过学姐,就这样.意思很明确,学妹生气了,不肯原谅学姐. 刚好学姐放学的时间到了,加上学妹不肯原谅,学姐只好离开.回到家后,学姐也非常内疚当时太冲动了,没有顾虑到后果.学姐已尝试拨电道歉,但于事无补. 学姐的愧疚加上歉意,已让学妹原谅了她. 虽然脸上还有稍微的痕迹,但没有到毁容的地步.



For those who wanna know what's going on but can't read this post,do inform me =)

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Happy Belated Brithday!!!

Yunn Wei's birthday was celebrated with 8 people at Sushi King East Coast Mall.Yay!!!
That was the 2nd time I ate Japanese food. 1st time was in KL. I don't really like Japanese food so I won't eat them unless someone asks me to =P

Quite a lot of things happened,yada yada yada...Then I was informed that Yvoone and Yan Qing are husband and wife. O.O

Yunn Wei, Yan Qing and Yvonne

Yunn Wei & I
Yan Qing feeding Yunn Wei.

But Yunn Wei wants to have Yan Qing too! So they started this feeding game lol.

Yvoone was dared to eat wasabi. I don't know how it tasted like 'cause I don't eat wasabi anyway...

Friday, April 3, 2009

Updates Updates!!!

Fine! Yvonne Ooi and Yunn Wei!!! Updates now. Actually I got not much time to blog,kay laar~ blog just a bit =P
I got my crocs!!!
Urgh... My sister got hers too. Well,she bought it herself while mine's free! Thank you Auntie Carin! Thank you so much~!!! @.@

This Sunday will be a great day! Because it's Yunn Wei's birthday!

Let me describe abit about this girl. She's form 1 and she's tall.[ taller than me =( ]

She has short hair and I only knew her through Jing Wen for a month maybe? The main point is,we're gonna celebrate for her this Sunday,which is her birthday!Yay...!!! well,you guys don't have to know why I'm so happy,but I'm just happy!!! =D

Happy birthday again...Yunn Wei!