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Thursday, May 29, 2008

I'm Better Off Being A Girl

At school,I put on my friend’s spectacles…I was kind of shocked because I looked so like a guy!So,this idea came to my mind.Why don’t I try to dress like a guy and go out,see anyone realize I’m actually a girl.Great idea!Well,Jie Wen said my hair is so girly,so my idea won’t work.Well we won’t know if we don’t give it a try.So I finally got a chance yesterday.I lent Jie Wen’s clothes,her trousers,her jacket and her bangle.The reason is her clothes are more guyish.No offence.
Well,she forgotten to bring her specs and it’s really bad.Didn’t look like guy then.By the way,Mr.Goody lent me his cap too.Now that’s really awesome.

So I changed all my clothing in the toilet of Megamall…well except inner wear and I came out as a guy.Haha!Thank God there were not many people in the toilet.But some aunties looked at me…Okie,may be she really thinks that I’m a guy.So I went out and walked around.Really uncomfortable.Was afraid that I see someone I know,it's not very good then.

I got 2 vouchers for the Big Mac chant.Jie Wen’s a pro so we went for the challenge and we got 2 totally free big mac.She took I and I took 1.Since she did the challenge and I got the voucher for the challenge.Fair and square. Later,Jie Wen and I was about to buy present for our friend Jo Ee.She’s going to her birthday party last night but I wasn’t allowed to go.We went to a girls’ shop,okie,I remembered that I'm now dressed like a guy…Hey what are you trying to do?I’m a guy!lol…
But when we went to the next shop…Hmmm…I saw something I like very much.Nail polish.Then suddenly I got conscious.What am I trying to do?I’m a Guy!
Well we ended up watching Prince Caspian.(Outside the cinema ><)That was really a great show.People said Caspian is very VERY handsome.I heard my friend she went to watch this movie twice because of him.That’s such a waste of money.I think Aslan looks better than him.Haha!

Saturday, May 10, 2008


上个星期三,我,洁琳和洁敏到海边去玩.其实是洁琳叫我去,我叫洁敏去的.顺便拍照因为地理要做研究.亲爱的白痴提起某人的名字,我听了之后整个人都down了.洁敏说了一些东西, 心情不好的我就酸了她一下.常被我讽刺的她被我这一刺终于忍不住了,所以发我脾气.好啦!都是我的错啦!不晓得她能不能接受这种一连串的ACID攻击(因为我常酸她><),就那样跟她说话.说对不起一向来都不是我的强项,虽然这件事是我不对.
可是我有说: “我跟你道歉咯!”偶像剧里的人都是这样道歉啊!太可惜她不领情 (也许她少看偶像剧吧! ><) 她说她忍得一次忍不了第二次. 意思应该是说她不想我再这样酸她吧. 也许我已习惯性酸人(问洁琳最清楚! )
因此我就不跟洁敏说话.不是我不想跟她说话, 好啦也许我不敢, 可是酸人已习惯快了,所以话没经过大脑就说了出来. 算了吧! 她要是生气我也没办法.生气好过因为被我酸而不爽.
其实我今天做得最不对的是叫她和我到海边去.如果她没去,就不会 一直被我酸,也不会不爽了.
我在想,其实我的人格很有问题.我是指说话方面.跟熟的朋友我才会酸她, 难道我不怕被打么?我尝试改变啦可是久而久之,坏习惯就不知不觉地冒出来了.像雨后的蘑菇那样多余.
我在沙滩上划了一些字.就这样被海水扑过, 字迹也就没有了. 这等于除了上天的爱,是没有东西,事情,感情和关系是永恒的.即使我们曾经有的回忆, 也没有任何用意了……