Well, Today is the last day of 2010. *speechless*
I don't know what to say. This year has been quite tough. SPM and all. Church is bad. He is bad -.-
So I pray for better years to come. Go to anywhere but Kuantan. Future is abit blur~ Though I got the scholarship I have always praed for, but dad says it must be 100% tuition fee waiver. If not, I can't take it. That's just pathetically pathetic. It is God's blessing to even get a scholarship but dad is expecting a full scholarship =[
Well, keep praying and have faith in the Lord. That's all I can do.
Uncle gave a digital camera (DC) and I'm announcing it as mine. Well, it's a very old model but it's better than nothing raite? Raite.
LOL. I hope that's my imagination run wild. God won't say that, raite? raite? raite?
I'm gonna cut my hair later. New hair for a new year. owh yeah! No regrets :DD
Anxiety and frustrations. But this is a chance for me to learn to trust in the Lord more.
Peace! ^_^ V
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