I thought I wanna be a full time blogger. Blog about my life with Jesus, and also some health and beauty tips. Owh yesh!!! :D
So the 1st thing that is different this year is I started drinking tea. Tea has an obvious slimming effect and woohoo! It's good for health! This is my 1st try so I bought this:
I had my 1st pot-bag already. I wonder why they call it 'pot-bag' -.-
A pot bag is for one person, so it's fine for everyday consumption. I think xD
One pot bag a day, keeps the fats away xD
Health tips: Consumption of green tea can help with weight loss and burning fat!
#1 Green tea contains high concentrations of catehin polyphenols which activate the enzyme that is responsible for dissolving excess triglyceride. In the long run, this means green tea effectively aids in burning fats. ^^
#2 Green tea contains powerful antioxidant known as epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) that can stimulate metabolism. EGCG stimulates the central nervous system and causes fats to be released into the blood stream to use as fuel, a process known as 'thermogenesis'. It provides extra energy, sheds excess water and also helps to burn fats!
#3 Green tea also causes carbohydrates to be released slowly. Thus lowers cholesterol and increases energy expenditure. Green tea catechins can help prevent obesity by inhibiting the movement of glucose in fat cells.
#4 Drinking green tea can increase your endurance level by when you exercise. more endurance means more exercise, more exercise means more calories burned.
Drinking more green tea will help you to lose more weight, but only up to a certain amount. the longer you drink, the more fat it burns.
A Taiwanese population study found that 140 people who were regular tea drinkers for more than 10 years had 20% body fat while non tea drinkers have 25% body fat.
2 reasons to switch from coffee to tea:
1. Green tea contains less caffeine. It contains half the amount of caffeine found in coffee.
2. Green tea also contains a natural relaxant called theanine, which is known to promote a feeling of wellbeing. if you're at work, it'll improve your concentration and productivity.
P/S: Teas have been shown to prevent iron-absorption. Those who have iron deficiency, consumption of several cups of tea a day may not be a very good idea. =|
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