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Friday, July 2, 2010

I'm happy today~

Today was a happy day for me. Or I should say today is a happy day because I'm still enjoying my day which is ending soon! Nothing much happened though but I just feel contented in some mysterious ways. Today was a Parents-teachers Day, or Report-care-taking day or whatsoever you call that. 

Mum went and got my report card. Although I had some points to argue with my class teacher about what she told mum, basically it was alright. Then I did my homeworks and all without any nuisance asking me for food =.=

It's not that I don't like to share but I'd prefer if I offer you instead you asking me for food! 

Most of my undone works were done except for an English essay which is...still a blank piece of paper. Owh yeah I forgot to mention, one of the major reason that made my day was there wasn't tuition today!!! From 3-5pm, disastrous time to have tuition. Lazy, full and tired. Blah~

But, my driving instructor, Uncle Tan asked me to go the the driving school and take mock static test(Undang). So I went, expected I could finish it in around 30 minutes, leave and continue my day. 

But! He left me alone waiting after the computer started to be dysfunctional, in the room for more than 1 hour! What can you actually do in the room alone like that? Thank God for the air-cond. If not....*speechless* 

Fine! There went my afternoon. Not much difference than being in tuition. No. Going for tuition is better. I think.

After reaching home back on the keyboard, an emo came and told me she wanna go to the beach.For a walk. The sky was dark and I was 200% sure that it was gonna rain. Before she reached my place, yeah, it rained. But thank God when we were on the way there, the rain stopped. Woots! 

I didn't know when a person gets emo, she can request for a photo shoot session. Anyways, we did it. Nope. Not a even a picture of me from the front view because, I.DID.NOT.LOOK.NICE. Blah~

In conclusion, I had fun and made my day much much MUCH better! xDD

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