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Tuesday, March 1, 2011

What was I doing in a pub?!

Let me just share a lil' on my experience in working in a pub doing glitter tattoo for kids. You might find it weird. Pub? Kids? Glitter tattoo? YEAH. Don't ask me why. All I know is it's a charity function. (Thank God I'm paid :P )

This is how the pub looks like. I thought it was kinda cool because I haven't been to a pub before. 
Now that I have :)

These are everything I needed to do glitter tattoo. The sticker ones are the common and easier ones. But the one with the glittery powder is the hard one D:

After my work, I had some time to snap some pictures. This shows one group of the kids. They're Myanmar refugees. Since Sunday is a schooling day  in Myanmar, they had school on Sunday too. That explains why they';re dressed in school uniforms.

Another group of kids. I don't understand a single word they say. Trust me. It's HARD. 

This is a magician that was there that time. I think his name is Alex. He was performing magic to a few kids by swallowing the balloon & challenged the kids to try. In the end, I found out the balloon was filled with water. So, his trick is as easy as drinking water. Okie, may be not THAT easy =X

And the kids were in awe :D

One of the organizer, Jayson was surprisingly nice to me. And he belanja-ed me lunch. The food was superb! Too bad I didn't get to finish it :(

Then the next day my sister brought me to Tropicana City Mall for the movie I AM Number Four. Before that, I got to hang around at this bookstore: Borders. 

Snapped a photo at a book near me and I realized it's a Vampire-based book. Hello author out there, more creativity please?

So that was about it. After running back to Kuantan due to too-stressful life in KL, my return has been quite nicely welcomed :P

Thanks, Daddy.

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