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Sunday, February 1, 2009

Chinese New Year?

These were some of the things that I’ve seen or experienced during the whole of Chinese New Year so far.

“Lao Sheng”—mixing all the things together and eat. Got sour, sweet and some raw fish.

Adults gamble during CNY. But are the kids doing the same thing?
No. They’re having their own art class [sorta]

These were my friends in Yan Wen’s house. They were…well, gambling. Yan Wen said they were playing cow moo moo…means ‘ngau’ in Cantonese.This was the table in my aunt’s living room where my relatives were also gambling.
I played too, without any modal and didn’t even know how to play. But my cousin sister was helping me along the way and I managed to get RM5 ! Then I quickly walked away in case I lose again =P

Now, forget about the winnings and losses. Well this was some how related to gambling. Mahjong!!!

What a cute pair of a cat and a rat. Imagine the cat is chasing after the rat. Got scolded while I was playing with that >.<

Then, there was once at night, my aunts were talking about my late grandmother and late uncle while playing mahjong. They talked about how they (my late grandmother and late uncle) played mahjong etc. Suddenly, the electricity got tripped. They were screaming ‘cause they were super scared. I was like : “ what’s going on, peeps?” But later we did continue our game. Romantically…

The other day, my uncle and aunt brought my cousins and I to the beach. Then I saw this: Peeps! On the beach! May be that person’s preparing to propose =P

The pathway...But people kept walking on it.

Lots of people, having fun…

Later in McDonald, my cousin and I were queuing to buy ice-cream when this guy was queuing up behind us. He’s rushing I think because he was so restless and kept fidgeting. Suddenly, a handicapped man wanted to get into the restaurant. He ran to the door and helped the handicapped man to open the door. Fuyoh… what a nice guy.

Urgh! Can’t see his face =(

Special note of my cousin brother’s hand bag… it is a hand bag. So girly…

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