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Thursday, June 18, 2009

Day #3

Revolution Conference day 3! Not much photo on that day =(
No Revo Academy in the morning on the 3rd day this year. We had Chins-up Talk Show! by Pastor Kenneth =)
These were the people in the "studio"!

Yada yada yada...everyone shared about their experiences with God and etc. Got abit sleepy at that time @__@
Then, Amanda was supposed to read what she did to an Indian uncle guard in her school!!! What did she do?!?!?!?!?!?!?! Haha!
She went back to school during holidays to do some Recess revo thingy which was washing the toilets and had a conversation with the Uncle Guard. Guess what? The uncle Guard got saved!!! hallelujah!

She didn't wanna read so Pasotr Andy took the role of Uncle Guard and the other girl took the role of Amanda & her friend.

This is what I call faithful. He's holidng that camera since the session started and still holding it when it ended. Even during altar call!

Break-out time!!! According to age-group again led by Pastor Andy =)
We had a session of "Soul-Hunt"! Do what? Hunting for souls laar~!
We were asked to go to Summit Mall which is just beside Summit Hotel (ACTS is in Summit Hotel) to get anyone...invite them to Revo PARTY that night or pray for them or tell them about God. We did this in groups of threes. But before that, we need to pray to ask God for directions on who to look for...
And this was my group!

You think very easy arh? Found that person, he was walking around and none of us dared to talk to him. Aiks... Mission failed! T^T
After about 15mins of soul hunting, we went back to ACTS and lots of group wanted to share about their experience of soul hunting. My group didn't share. Because we freaking failed!!! =___=

This guy was sharing.

At night! At Revo PARTY!

Started with a song presentation by the ACTSream band. Cool song!

I sat behind Pastor Kenneth and a guy came over:
Guy: Pastor, you're sharing tonight right? Can I pray for you?
Pastor Kenneth: Sure!
And they started praying...Who says pastors don't need prayer?
There he went up the stage sharing...

And had an altar call... the altar was packed...

cool!!! xD

Phew~ at last I finished... happy now Jess Lynn? >__<

-JazZ xD-

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