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Monday, December 8, 2008

I didn't know...

Mr.J... I thought I know him well. Not very well but still well. Sometimes, I know what he's thinking,even what he's doing. People thought he's quiet. But he's not honestly. People thought he looks cute. He is but he doesn't care. I thought I knew him. But I don't really know him.

He gave me his URL in deviantART. I've read it and owh gosh... Is that really him that wrote those articles and journals? I was like reading some annoymous's blog.

I thought I knew how he feels, but I was totally wrong. I thought I knew what and why he’s doing something, but I was absolutely wrong. How could I be like this? I don’t even know him, but I considered myself his good friend. Owh gosh… how can I help him?

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