Though it has only been a half day, but still so many things happened. God is good!
Let's talk about something happy 1st.
Well, she wouldn't wanna take photo with me.
Sobs =(
Let's now talk about HG. Basically it was fine.
But I wasn't. I didn't bring my phone which is very rare, so no photos taken for the day.
My heart is broken. But Benjamin will not allow Jasmine to have not even a drop of tear for Svinina. And Jasmine is trying her best not to cry. What she can do is just sigh.
Svinina is such a bad person. She's rude, total disrespectful and somehow idiotic. I wanna say more but I don't think it's a good thing.
I've seen her talking bad about people. Her expressions. Clearly appearing in my mind. Just that I can't believe now she'll put on that same expression and talk bad about me.
Yes! I don't know Svinina that well. And I shouldn't be acting as if I know her well. She's incomprehensible. And she has terrible mood swing.
Well, frankly now I felt relieved. I've been asking God for answers. What should I do about this. WWJD? After weeks of asking, He answered me. Thanks to YS. Now I know what she has in mind. Now I know what to do.
I just felt everything I've done for her is total crap plus extra useless. She doesn't even appreciate me. Times that I don't have much freedom but to listen to her. But I can't say much. I chose to approach her in the 1st place. However, I didn't regret making that decision. Because through trials only I can grow more. Again, God is good!
Not every single person suits me. But one thing for sure is that, NONE suits her. She's living in her world. She's not willing to come out of her comfort zone and learn to adapt with essential living skills. Not literally living you see.
To Svinina:
God has sent me to tell you what's wrong in your life. It's okie if you choose to hate me because God's people always face persecutions. It's like a story in the Bible. You can hate me and chase me away. But God is the one that's gonna discipline you. Useless branches will be cut and thrown into fire. But I believe God's still trimming you. God wants you to bear fruits. My task is done and over. You can choose to do the same thing to another person God's gonna send or you can step out of the comfort zone and face the truth. You're the one having problem.
I don't hate you. I love you more than you can imagine.
In a friend-friend way, of course!
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